Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Online Courses

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes
By Andy Brown and Frank Panzer
            The road to graduation is no walk in the park for any student at Bemidji State University. Homework, papers, projects, and tests bring a lot of stress to any college student, but the stress can reach another level for students who take online courses. These students don’t get the classroom and face to- face time as the students who take their classes on campus do. Online courses are extremely helpful for students who have full- time jobs and don’t have the time to attend class while holding a steady job. Online courses allow you to do your homework whenever you have the time. This is by far the greatest advantage.

                                                            Photo By Frank Panzer
There are a lot of different reasons students take online courses. Most of them are because they have to hold a steady job and only have time for class at night. Kari Sarych, who is majoring in special education, said “Online courses have allowed me to work during the day and take classes at night. It seems like I have two full time jobs with school and 8-4 job.” Kari Sarych also said that “it can be easy to forget about your classes because you have to do it on your own time and remember to log in and check out what you have to do for the day.”
            Senior Brian Alexander, majoring in Criminal Justice has taken more online courses than he cares to count.  When asked why he responded, "honestly, because I am lazy and really don't want to leave the convenience of home." 

A "lazy" student enjoying learning in the warmth of his home on a cold Bemidji day.
                                                        Photo by Frank Panzer

He continued by saying "it's really nice if you aren't a huge fan of the professor instructing the course."  Although online classes can be a bit more costly for students, anywhere from 50-200 dollars, this does not deter many students from taking these courses.  For Zack Fulmer, a GIS major, the reason he has never taken an online course is because, "all the classes I need are offered on campus and  I would much rather have that in class experience and face time with my professors." 
            Online courses have its advantages and disadvantages depending on the students needs. Essentially you are getting the same college degree but online students face a uphill battle with no face time with professors.  Senior Computer Science major Bryan Washenberger put it best, "I'll walk in the cold for a few minutes to get what I feel is a better more personal education." So although the debate will continue it is merely a matter of convenience and personal preference.

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